Expectations of a ventriloquist performance

Here they learn what is expected of them usually at a gig as a ventriloquist. Of course, they should consult with their clients in advance, but we describe them here are some scenarios:

Birthday party
They ask the parents to shoot their birthday a memorable one. A larger pack of little children in kindergarten to primary school age is waiting eagerly for them.
Okay, so now what are their main tasks? Sure they have to horde these children simply laugh. That is their main task. (Actually, this is always their main task), they only need to make clear here that they are dealing with children. They make their programs accordingly. Funny allusions to the financial crisis will bring them little laugh. Even the famous program by Sascha Grammel with the ATM Josie would probably flop in front of a group of children. They focus on their show, so the simplicity of the jokes and the kids they try to relate with one.
Why did the puppet show is so successful? Simply because the kids cheer like crazy with Kasper with and love to shout: "! Watch Kasper The crocodile is behind you"
So they try to create situations where children can participate actively. You might ask, for example to provide the children with her doll. Children also love to make fun of something. Make it simple but incredibly stupid her doll. This brings the children to participate actively and they certainly some laughs!

Stage appearance before a larger audience
The scenario is clear. They stand as a ventriloquist on a stage in front of them hundreds, thousands or even fifteen people who want to watch them laugh and expectantly.
Here the interaction is no longer quite so important, but they should fit in with their program. One person laughs very loud especially during their show? Then ask that person but with her doll, if they do not want her to get an oxygen tent because it gets so hard to breathe. Take care, however, that something always comes across funny and not hurtful acts! Regarding the choice of topics they are much freer and can do everything on their show. A little tip here is to incorporate it in his show a couple of interchangeable elements. They can, for example, in some way to a monument of the town in which they come to speak at that particular moment. This pleases her audience and makes them proud, because they think their city would be something special.

Booking an entertainer - not as a ventriloquist
There come times even before they are posted not only as a ventriloquist, but that is expected of them and that they act as a complete entertainer. That is to say their show is not just about ventriloquism, but they also slip into the role of a comedian, a magician, etc. These things come in especially things that go on all day and where they need to provide only in it for between mood.
Meanwhile, it is true that many ventriloquists not only see itself primarily as a ventriloquist, but also as an entertainer. Therefore, they have some magic tricks or a few gags appropriated. Of course, something great comes in to a potential customer, if you can not only shine as a ventriloquist. Just what does it mean when they say that they are good also as a comedian, but then fail on the stage. Therefore, they should really be aware beforehand, so what if they trust.
It would certainly be advisable, because the events are just that, where the highest salaries in the game.

A guide to become a ventriloquist

Below are 10 simple points as we can learn very fast and easy to get yourself a ventriloquist:

1st The doll
This point is somehow quite logically, the doll without any ventriloquist. It should be relatively large, has to look interesting and something extraordinary about them. Because they want to distract the audience's attention from your mouth, the motto is: the more bizarre and funny, all the better!

2nd The contents
Next, you should you worry about what you really want on stage / in your imagination and convey said. You should be able to summarize the contents or destination of your number in a sentence. Only then can you start with your speech.

3rd The text
Here comes the most important thing of all: write the text. If you're still a beginner, you're in fact a series of letters to express them with great difficulty the stomach. These are all the letters for which you are usually moving your lips: B, M, P, W.

4th No B, M, P, W
Again to repeat: For your doll write a simple text without the letters B, M, P, W. This must be just a little practice and with time you get a feel for what you say and what not

5th Synonyms are
To avoid B, M, P, W to, you can help you with synonyms such as "must" ersetzet "should". "Speak" is replaced "talk" with. The "forest" becomes a "forest" or even slightly paraphrased "green lung".
And of course, when choosing a name identical to a name of the doll without the critical eighth letter.
However, can not always avoid the critical letters. This is for instance the case when a certain people, such as Merkel and Westerwelle talks. It is then possible to call the person by name. Similarly, one can say the title or "the husband of". Then you can also "B" with "D", "M" through "N", "W" through "F" and "P" through "T".

6th The speeches
Only the really "ventriloquism": Different types of the jaw have to try around a bit first. It is best if you sit in front of a mirror and my mouth a little open it. This may put the upper incisors on the lower lip. And now you say those words out loud, which does not exist in our critical letters as M, P, W, without moving his lips. Ideally, then no one can see that you're talking about.  

7th Relax!
You have to look after the seizure risk! You should make sure that your lips and the entire jaw muscles are relaxed. Otherwise you will not hold out so long and you get the Maulsprerre.

8th The second voice
Find a vote for your doll, which is very different from yours!
This voice can be supported also by the way you pronounce things: The doll speaks, for example, very slow or very fast. Maybe she always says a particular word (uh, oops), or she speaks with an accent (Bavarian, Saxon, Swabian). Let your imagination be set no limits.

9th The first performances
For your first attempts as a ventriloquist's audience, should take on every case to secure the typed text! Yes you can also read off as the speaking parts of your doll, because while the talking doll, it is not necessary that you yourself look at the audience.

10th The final
The end of the presentation must be crowning of you to remember. The disposal (especially that of the doll) must be logical and clean.

Have fun and good luck to be the ventriloquist!

Ventriloquism - a brief overview

These artists are granted more and more presenence in TV appearances. Therefore, a small overlook for all, so far less likely to know anything about this topic.

Ventriloquism - what is it?
If you talk without anyone noticed that you talk, it is called ventriloquism. The most important thing is to keep your lips calm and to suppress all other telltale movements. Most use a hand-puppet, to awaken them to awake it with their belly to life.

Is ventriloquism innate? If not, how long does it take to learn it?
Nothing hinders you at becoming a ventriloquist. Of course it is not innate!
So it is clear that everyone, yes everyone, can become a ventriloquist, if he really wants it. Completely independent of the body design. Much more important is that you bring plenty of patience. Because it takes time to be a good ventriloqist. Until you can call yourself a ventriloquist expert, it even takes much longer. Therefore, motivation is probably the most important thing in your path to a successful rhetorician. You can find more information on her but in the area of "Learning Ventriloquism" .

Is there mandatory equipment?
Jop, there is, - your doll! Of course you can buy yourself a standard doll, which is perfectly fine. However, if you're really motivated and want to move something big in the guild of the ventriloquist, then it is advantageous to you to tinker your own doll or to let someone else build you a personalized doll. Never forget how important your doll is. It is your trademark for several years, so do spend enough time with the choice of a doll.